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Delayed Kubernetes Data

Sep 09 at 03:54pm EDT
Affected services

Sep 14 at 10:35pm EDT

The backfill of incomplete data has been completed. We appreciate your patience as we worked to resolve this issue.

Sep 14 at 07:00am EDT

As of Saturday morning, we are continuing to actively back-fill Kubernetes container metrics for select date ranges in August. We have all of the necessary container metric data; we are in the process of ingesting it properly so that it can be tied up with the associated cost data.

The backfill continues to progress as expected, and we remain confident that this will be completed and in a watching state later today (9/14).

Sep 13 at 10:30am EDT

We are continuing to actively back-fill Kubernetes container metrics for select date ranges in August, as we've observed small gaps across 8/16 - 8/22 and 8/28 - 8/31. We have all of the necessary container metric data; we just need to ingest it properly so that it can be tied up with the associated cost data.

The backfill continues to progress well, and we remain confident that this will be completed and in a watching state on 9/14.

Sep 12 at 11:00am EDT

We continue to actively back-fill Kubernetes container metric select date ranges in August, as we've observed small gaps across 8/16 - 8/22 and 8/28 - 8/31. We have all of the necessary container metric data; we just need to ingest it properly so that it can be tied up with the associated cost data. The backfill is going well, and is expected to be completed and in a watching state on 9/14.

Sep 11 at 05:00pm EDT

Proper Kubernetes container metrics continue to flow into the CloudZero platform for all customers.

We continue to actively back-fill select date ranges in August, as we've observed small gaps across 8/16 - 8/22 and 8/28 - 8/31. We have all of the necessary container metric data; we just need to ingest it properly so that it can be tied up with the associated cost data.

In addition, we're looking at an issue impacting a subset of customers where our cost algorithm appears to be incorrectly assigning Idle costs for Kubernetes clusters.

Sep 11 at 07:45am EDT

Proper Kubernetes container metrics are now flowing in for all CloudZero customers, and these are being used to correctly allocate compute costs.

We have observed that we need to selectively back-fill a few date ranges, as we're seeing small gaps across 8/16 - 8/22 and 8/28 - 8/31. We have all of the necessary container metric data; we just need to ingest it properly so that it can be tied up with the associated cost data.

Sep 10 at 07:51pm EDT

We are continuing to work on fully resolving a known issue when ingesting container usage data for Kubernetes customers, which results in a delay in seeing new Kubernetes clusters or updated container usage statistics.

We have identified the root cause, deployed a fix, and are finalizing changes to ensure all cost and container usage data is up to date and available in the CloudZero platform. We expect this issue to be fully resolved by Wed, Sep 11 at 10 AM ET.

Sep 09 at 03:54pm EDT

Currently, there is a known issue ingesting usage data for Kubernetes customers. This issue has resulted in a delay in seeing new Kubernetes clusters or updated usage statistics. We have identified the root cause, deployed a fix, and are working on backfilling the affected data.